Online Submission|A New Round of Global Call for CllE Stories

Release date: 2024-07-23 Source: China International Import Expo Bureau

* Required info

Note: You can upload a maximum of 10 videos. Each video should be in MP4 format and no more than 100 MB in size

Note: You can upload a maximum of 10 documents. Each document should be in doc/docx format and no more than 10 MB in size.

Note: You can upload 2-10 photos. The photos can be in any format and should each be no more than 10 MB in size.

Anyone who would like to participate in the "2023 Global Call for CIlE Stories" campagin can send stories to with the subject "CIIE Stories".

Any information you provide to the campagin will be protected. Please see the notice on the official website of the CIIE for more details.