展商 展品

"仿清平金开黑多宝格 Qing-Style Gold-Leafed Black Lacquer Curiosity Cabinet"



"作品多宝格样式,断纹漆胎髹黑色漆,通体满工,采用金漆镶嵌描金工艺制成传统吉祥纹饰,描绘细腻,精致典雅,工艺独到,寓意吉祥。内可放置居家雅玩,室内陈设,富丽典雅。原作藏于承德避暑山庄。 This curiosity cabinet is painted in black lacquer with crackles, complemented with auspicious motifs inlaid in gold lacquer. The delicate and unique craftsmanship exuberates a sense of auspiciousness. Homeware and decors can be placed in this elegant artistic piece. The original cabinet is in the collection of the Chengde Mountain Resort."



This curiosity cabinet is painted in black lacquer with crackles, complemented with auspicious motifs inlaid in gold lacquer. The delicate and unique craftsmanship exuberates a sense of auspiciousness. Homeware and decors can be placed in this elegant artistic piece. The original cabinet is in the collection of the Chengde Mountain Resort.