展商 展品

BAECLE All purpose cleaning preparation

展商:JangBioTech CO., LTD


1) No chlorine toxic gas is generated, no additional ventilation is required when cleaning. 2) Single and large sprays allow users to use narrow and wide locations wherever they want. 3) It has the scent of edible grapefruit, so you can feel refreshed when sprayed. 4) Develop safe and effective products with minimal chemicals, so users who clean without preservatives can feel the scent only when cleaning. 5) Since no preservative is added, the user can clean it fresh when cleaning, and the space user can use a clean space without discomfort after cleaning. 6) Prevention of water stains due to antibacterial effects.


1) No chlorine toxic gas is generated, no additional ventilation is required when cleaning.

2) Single and large sprays allow users to use narrow and wide locations wherever they want.

3) It has the scent of edible grapefruit, so you can feel refreshed when sprayed.

4) Develop safe and effective products with minimal chemicals, so users who clean without preservatives can feel the scent only when cleaning.

5) Since no preservative is added, the user can clean it fresh when cleaning, and the space user can use a clean space without discomfort after cleaning.

6) Prevention of water stains due to antibacterial effects.