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CIIE Stories | Benin pineapples make big splash in China thanks to CIIE Release date: 2024-05-14    Source:Multiple

The China International Import Expo has emerged as a gateway for high-quality fruits from around the world to enter the Chinese market.

Last year, Benin's pineapples, one of the West African country's main export products, leveraged the sixth CIIE to accelerate the process of entering China. Benin pineapples were granted access to the Chinese market in September last year, with the first batch arriving in November.

Additionally, the CIIE provides multiple support policies, including free standard booths for least developed countries such as Benin, further facilitating the entry of their specialty agricultural products into the Chinese market.


Simon Pierre Adovelande, Beninese ambassador to China, welcomes the first batch of Benin pineapples at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport on Nov 3, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]

Ahead of the opening of the sixth CIIE, Simon Pierre Adovelande, Beninese ambassador to China, welcomed the first batch of Benin pineapples at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport. In his view, participating in the sixth CIIE is an important move that benefits all of Benin. It signifies that China's vast market has opened its doors to Benin pineapples.

Due to the strong interest in food among Chinese consumers, Benin pineapples became the center of attention at last year's expo, leading to numerous orders being placed. An exhibitor from Benin expressed delight, highlighting the opportunity to sign major deals with Chinese companies.

The debut of Benin pineapples at the sixth CIIE also brought potential investment. "In addition to ordering Benin pineapples, we also plan to invest in building factories in Benin, using our planting technology and advanced management experience," said the head of Africa business at a Shanghai-based company.

To Adovelande, the debut of Benin pineapples at the sixth CIIE is a result of the collaborative efforts between China and Benin in developing the Belt and Road Initiative. Additionally, he harbors greater expectations for economic and trade exchanges between the two nations.

"The BRI has opened up the Chinese market to the world, and I hope that Benin's cashews, cotton, and other specialty agricultural products can also enter China in the future," said Adovelande.


Visitors at the sixth CIIE sample Benin pineapples. [Photo/Xinhua]

Sources: People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily,,,, Global Times, Beijing Daily, Tide News, Yicai,, International Business Daily,, Beijing Daily App

By Zhao Guangmei