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US enterprises, products welcome to enter Chinese market through 6th CIIE Release date: 2023-05-25    Source:China International Import Expo Bureau

More enterprises from the United States are welcome to bring their high-quality products and services to the Chinese market through the sixth China International Import Expo, said Sun Chenghai, deputy director-general of the CIIE Bureau, at a promotional conference held in Los Angeles, a city in California of the US, on local time May 22.

The conference was attended by over 400 representatives from California's political, business, and academic communities.

Sun noted that the CIIE is an important decision made by China to pursue high-level opening-up in the new era and is China's major initiative to widen market access to the rest of the world.

According to Sun, more than 110 US enterprises have signed up for the sixth CIIE, occupying an exhibition area of over 50,000 square meters. 

Hu Wei, chairman of China General Chamber of Commerce-USA and president of Bank of China (BOC) USA, said the bank will continue to provide professional, efficient, and high-quality financial services to US exhibitors.

Since the inaugural CIIE, BOC has provided comprehensive financial services to exhibitors, according to Hu.

By Zhao Guangmei