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7th CIIE solicits exhibitors in Sydney Release date: 2024-02-01    Source:China International Import Expo Bureau


A signing ceremony is held during the promotion event. [Photo/CIIE Bureau]

A seventh China International Import Expo (CIIE) promotion event was held in Sydney, Australia, on Jan 30, with nearly 200 representatives from local state governments, business associations, and enterprises in attendance.

Wang Chunsheng, the acting consul-general of the Chinese Consulate-General in Sydney, said at the event that the significant achievements in Sino-Australian economic and trade cooperation have brought tangible benefits to both nations. He expressed hope for active participation from Australian governments and enterprises in the CIIE to share the dividends of China's opening-up and economic development.

Ning Feng, president of the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), the CIIE venue, revealed that the preparations for the seventh edition of the CIIE are progressing smoothly, with contracted exhibition space exceeding 180,000 square meters. The expo is eager to collaborate with various sectors in Australia to assist more Australian enterprises in entering the Chinese market and achieving substantial results.

Representatives from Australian governments, business leaders, and heads of business associations acknowledged the CIIE's role as a vital platform for promoting Sino-Australian economic and trade relations. They said that participating in the expo enables businesses to better grasp opportunities in the Chinese market, and expressed anticipation for establishing more business collaborations with Chinese enterprises.

During the event, several Australian companies, including Jatcorp Limited, confirmed their participation in the seventh CIIE and signed agreements. Oz-Town Australia Pty Ltd applied to participate in the cultural exchange activities of the CIIE and signed a memorandum of cooperation.

The CIIE work group also hosted a symposium in Australia's Perth to invite local enterprises to attend the CIIE.


Guests give speeches during the CIIE promotion event. [Photo/CIIE Bureau]

By Zhao Luyang