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7 years on, CIIE continues to generate benefits for world Release date: 2024-05-17    Source:China International Import Expo Bureau

President Xi Jinping announced at the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in May 2017 that China would hold the China International Import Expo (CIIE) starting from 2018.

Over the past six years, the annual expo has established itself as a crucial platform for China's new development pattern and high-standard opening-up, serving as a global public good that offers market, investment, and growth opportunities.

By consistently showcasing premium goods and innovations from around the world, the CIIE has significantly supported the high-quality development of the Chinese economy. Statistics reveal that over 2,400 products, technologies, and services have made their debut at the expo over its six editions.

High-tech innovations, such as flying cars, table tennis robots, and coin-sized pacemakers, have been displayed alongside global delicacies like Spanish ham, Atlantic tuna, and New Zealand milk.

Tentative deals for the purchase of goods and services worth more than $420 billion have been signed at the expo over the past six years, bolstering multinational corporations' confidence in the Chinese market.

The expo also serves as a diplomatic stage, attracting heads of state, government leaders, and dignitaries from around the world, and earning significant recognition domestically.

Since 2018, President Xi has delivered keynote speeches or made remarks at the expo's opening ceremonies for five consecutive years. Last year, he sent a letter to the sixth CIIE, pledging firm efforts to advance high-standard opening-up.

Recently, President Xi concluded state visits to France, Serbia, and Hungary. As 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France, the European country will serve as a guest country of honor at the CIIE for the third time. Its national pavilion, currently in the design stage, will showcase a diverse range of French products such as cuisine and wine, highlighting the fruitful outcomes of bilateral exchanges. The seventh CIIE also plans to feature a special area themed "from French farm to Chinese dining table".

Serbia and Hungary have also played pivotal roles in the CIIE, with the China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement set to take effect on July 1, and China and Hungary establishing an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era.

The expo consistently advocates for an open world economy and a multilateral trading system. The Hongqiao International Economic Forum, an integral part of the CIIE, invites global representatives from governments, businesses, and academia to discuss major issues in global economic governance.

In addition, a variety of cultural heritage displays and people-to-people exchange activities are staged at the expo, reinforcing its role as an internationally shared public good.

Preparations for the seventh CIIE are progressing steadily. A series of promotions have been conducted in over 20 countries and regions this year.

More than 10 countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation in the national exhibition, while over 800 companies from more than 60 countries and regions have booked over 280,000 square meters of space in the business exhibition.

The Hongqiao forum has collected a wide range of topics for its agenda through extensive consultations.

Aiming for "good performance, good results, and continued success", the CIIE is expected to continue driving China's high-quality economic growth and creating fresh opportunities for global economic recovery.

By Zhao Luyang