(6)倒计时7天·虹桥嘉宾说丨诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主巴里·马歇尔 发布日期: 2023年10月28日 来源:中国国际进口博览局
Ladies and gentlemen, I am Barry Marshall, a professor at the University of West Australia, and one of the Nobel Prize laureates in physiology or Medicine for the year 2005.
I wish to express my gratitude to the National Medical Products Administration of China and the Secretariat of the Hongqiao International Economic Forum for extending this invitation to address you today. I will be discussing the vital topic of global drug safety, governance and Chinese drug regulatory practices.
Our world’s health landscape is currently undergoing rapid transformation, primarily driven by the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. While it is indeed personally to initiate new conversations centering around to drug safety and regulation, it is crucial to acknowledge the multifaceted nature of pharmaceuticals. They encompass various facets such as research and development, efficacy, production, distribution, intellectual property rights, and many others. Therefore, as we address the intricate intersection of health and pharmaceuticals, we must remain prepared for unforeseen emergencies such as the pandemic has undoubtedly reminded us. Simultaneously, we should not lose sight of the imperative to modernize and innovate traditional medical treatments and pharmaceutical productions. For several years, my team and I have dedicated our efforts to the study of Helicobacter pylori related diseases and various related areas on a global scale, including China. China boasts both exceptional talent and conducive environment for scientific advancement, this is why some years ago I made the decision to forge elaborative partnerships with Chinese colleagues, I'm proud to say that our joint venture in Shenzhen has yielded the finest medical products in the category.
My aspiration is that our work in China will better serve the healthcare needs of both the Chinese populace and the global medical markets, I eagerly anticipate the insightful perspectives and observations from fellow participants regarding the current state of global health and medical products along with their expectations. Furthermore, I look forward to exploring how China can enhance its healthcare and drug regulatory systems to optimize the well-being of its citizens and contribute to the global healthcare landscape.
Thank you very much!