(3)倒计时4天·虹桥嘉宾说丨诺贝尔经济学奖得主埃里克·马斯金 发布日期: 2023年10月31日 来源:中国国际进口博览局
大家好,我是埃里克·马斯金(Eric Maskin),现任哈佛大学教授,也是2007年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者之一。在此感谢商务部和中国银行邀请我就“以金融改革创新提升自贸试验区水平”主题发表演讲。
Hi, I am Eric Maskin, a professor at Harvard University and one of the recipients of 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics. And I would like to thank the Ministry of Commerce of China and the Bank of China for inviting me to speak on the topic of “Upgrading Pilot Free Trade Zones Through Financial Reform and Innovation”.
Since September 2013, when the first pilot free trade zone in China was set up in Shanghai, there have been more than 20 pilot FTZs established nationwide. And in the past ten years, the Chinese government has been putting forward multiple reform measures to align domestic rules and standards with international ones, in which financial sectors are seeing more openness and innovation enabled by policies, such as those supporting more convenient cross-border RMB settlement.
I am personally very glad to take part in the discussion on the ten anniversary of China`s first pilot FTZ program. Later on I will share some of my ideas for how government and the financial sector might go even further to promoting efficient interaction between finance and economic progress and trade in the pilot FTZs, while maintaining credits` stability and a smooth trading environment. So I expect an exciting and fruitful discussion.
Thank you very much!