
(12)倒计时30天·虹桥嘉宾说丨 欧莱雅CEO叶鸿慕: 高质量的消费发展是把“金钥匙” 发布日期: 2023年10月05日 来源:中国国际进口博览局
欧莱雅集团高管确认参加第六届虹桥论坛国际经济论坛“洞察消费新趋势 激发消费新潜能”分论坛并发言。倒计时30天之际,集团首席执行官叶鸿慕发来视频寄语,他认为,高质量的全球开放与合作是应对全球挑战的必由之路,高质量的消费发展是促进创新驱动型可持续增长的“金钥匙”。
I am Nicolas HIERONIMUS, The L'Oréal Group CEO. L'Oréal has been actively participating to CIIE and Hongqiao International Economic Forum for six consecutive years, and L'Oréal 26-year journey in China proves how high-quality global openness & cooperation is the way out of challenging world. The Hongqiao International Economic Forum serves not only as a bridge for global dialogue and opinion sharing, but more importantly explores constructive consensus and solutions to key economic hot topics such as consumption. Today, China's economic development model is increasingly consumer oriented. As the biggest beauty group worldwide, we are proud that beauty remains a lighthouse that continuously stimulates people's aspiration for better life and brings new dynamics to consumption growth. And we believe high-quality consumption development can be a "golden key" to innovation-led and sustainable growth. Let's wish the 6th Hongqiao International Economic Forum a greater success, and let's co-create the beauty to move the world at CIIE! Thank you.