

您在这里: 首页 虹桥国际经济论坛 论坛视频 第六届分论坛预热视频

(14)倒计时40天•虹桥嘉宾说丨诺奖得主安格斯·迪顿视频寄语 发布日期: 2023年09月25日    来源:中国国际进口博览局



我是安格斯·迪顿,在新泽西州普林斯顿的家中问候大家。很荣幸参加第六届虹桥国际经济论坛,并就“洞察消费新趋势 激发消费新潜能”议题分享观点。消费始终是了解经济体的重要依据,在当今中国更是如此。政策应如何促进消费、增强消费者信心?哪些新的社会经济因素正在发挥作用?我希望就上述主题与其他参会者互学互鉴,期盼在这场思维盛会讨论观点、交换灼见!


This is Angus Deaton speaking to you from my home in Princeton, New Jersey. I'm very glad to be able to attend the 6th Hongqiao International Economic Forum to share my thoughts on the topic of "Understanding New Consumption Trends and Tapping New Consumption Potential". Consumption is always important in understanding an economy and no more so than in China today. How can policy help boost consumption and boost consumer confidence? What new socio-economic factors are at work? I hope to cover these subjects for learning from other participants, and I look forward to an intellectual festival of insights and discussions.