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CIIE in Photos | Diverse cultures shine - BRI nations at the Country Exhibition Release date: 2023-11-10    Source:China International Import Expo Bureau

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. Among the 72 exhibitors in the Country Exhibition at the sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE), 64 are involved in the BRI. From Nicaragua in Central America to Mali in West Africa, from Nepal at the southern foothills of the Himalayas to Samoa in the southern Pacific, from Chile on the western slopes of the Andes to Serbia in the central Balkans, the diverse cultures of the BRI countries have gathered at the CIIE in a show of global solidarity.

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Visitors admire crafts featuring Nicaraguan cultural elements.


Crowds watch traditional performances at the pavilion of the Republic of Mali.


Visitors browse the handicrafts at the Nepal pavilion.


The Samoa pavilion has a beach-style décor.


The Chile pavilion has a mini version of the Moai statue.


The Serbia pavilion, themed "Bread and River", allows visitors to immerse themselves in Serbian culture.