Venture Cup China
展商简介: Venture Cup is an international platform that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship, attracts global talents, facilitatestechnology transfer and enhances cultural and educational exchange between China and the Nordic countries. Ourmission is to build a global network which connects government, capital, university, corporates and innovation agenciesto promote science technology exchange.
【展位】NA-01 -
NETC Europe B.V.
展商简介: 作为国家技术转移东部中心荷兰总部,NETC Europe在中国上海-荷兰海牙两地同时设立中欧联动孵化园,位于海牙市中心地标建筑之一的海牙国际贸易中心。NETC Europe拥有专业团队,在荷兰中心拥有实体孵化器,为振华重工等大型国企以及上海复志信息技术等小巨人企业在欧洲开展业务提供服务,为国内引进过包括德国亚琛工大发动机单晶叶片等一系列“卡脖子”技术及项目团队。
【展位】NB-04 -
展商简介: 英国EGG孵化器是以“创业扶持+种子投资”为发展模式的创业孵化器,总部位于伯明翰,并在伦敦、曼彻斯特、纽卡斯尔设有分部,重点关注英国高校科技项目产业转化。每年在种子/天使轮投资达1千万£,为企业融资超10亿£。英国EGG孵化器在德国、卡塔尔、中国、越南均设有国际创新平台,自2020年开展中国业务,获得多项招商引资荣誉,已成功帮助上百个海外团队参与国内活动,完成落户融资及产业化发展等,促进英国科创团队归国发展。
【展位】ND-03,ND-03-01,ND-03-02,ND-03-03 -
Aetho LLC
展商简介: Aetho is rooted in human-centered design and redefines human interaction by connecting people and information in immersive environments.
【展位】ND-05,ND-05-03,ND-05-04 -
Sandisolar Plus Technology CO,LTD
展商简介: To further drive the energy transition, we've introducedSANDISOLAR+(SD+)We have established the Energi-Serviceand Product systems, drawing on our past experience to developa standardized engineering process for the Solar EnergiSystem.Utilizing loT and Al, SD+ creates holistic hardware and softwaresolutions,empowering users in energy management.
【展位】ND-06 -
Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co.,Ltd.
展商简介: We support startups, consult with large companies and assist government agencies achieve innovation; helping the Japanese Startup Ecosystem.
【展位】ND-02 -